 "culture": "en-US",
 "name": "",
 "guid": "",
 "catalogPath": "",
 "snippet": "",
 "description": "As one of the provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act, states must report on the water quality status of waters in their state. DNR maintains a database that contains this information for Missouri waters. The database contains records for each of the more than 4,000 classified streams and lakes in the state and also contains records for unclassified waters that have water pollution problems. Each record in the data base gives the water body name, size (stream miles or lake surface acres), location, and beneficial uses assigned to that water body by Missouri's Water Quality Standards, 10 CSR 20-7.031. Each record also indicates the water quality status (category 1-5), and if the water body is judged to have impaired water quality (categories 4-5) the record will also note the pollutant(s) and source(s) causing the problem. The database will also show the past water quality history of each water body where known, and for impaired waters will also provide information on actions taken or planned to eliminate the pollution problem and their schedules.",
 "summary": "",
 "title": "Water Quality Assessment Lakes 2018",
 "tags": [],
 "type": "",
 "typeKeywords": [],
 "thumbnail": "",
 "url": "",
 "minScale": "NaN",
 "maxScale": "NaN",
 "spatialReference": "",
 "accessInformation": "Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Quality, Water Protection Program",
 "licenseInfo": "",
 "portalUrl": ""