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Legend (water/NHD_Layers)

DamWeir DamWeir
Gaging Station Gaging Station
Gate Gate
Lock Chamber Lock Chamber
Rapids Rapids
Reservoir Reservoir
Rock Rock
SinkRise SinkRise
SpringSeep SpringSeep
Water IntakeOutflow Water IntakeOutflow
Waterfall Waterfall
Well Well
<all other values> <all other values>
ArtificialPath ArtificialPath
CanalDitch CanalDitch
Coastline Coastline
Connector Connector
Pipeline Pipeline
StreamRiver StreamRiver
Underground Conduit Underground Conduit
<all other values> <all other values>
Bridge Bridge
DamWeir DamWeir
Flume Flume
Gate Gate
Levee Levee
Lock Chamber Lock Chamber
Nonearthen Shore Nonearthen Shore
Rapids Rapids
Reef Reef
SinkRise SinkRise
Sounding Datum Line Sounding Datum Line
Special Use Zone Limit Special Use Zone Limit
Tunnel Tunnel
Wall Wall
Waterfall Waterfall
<all other values> <all other values>
Estuary Estuary
Ice Mass Ice Mass
LakePond LakePond
Playa Playa
Reservoir Reservoir
SwampMarsh SwampMarsh
<all other values> <all other values>
Area of Complex Channels Area of Complex Channels
Area to be Submerged Area to be Submerged
BayInlet BayInlet
Bridge Bridge
CanalDitch CanalDitch
DamWeir DamWeir
Flume Flume
Foreshore Foreshore
Hazard Zone Hazard Zone
Inundation Area Inundation Area
Levee Levee
Lock Chamber Lock Chamber
Rapids Rapids
SeaOcean SeaOcean
Special Use Zone Special Use Zone
Spillway Spillway
StreamRiver StreamRiver
Submerged Stream Submerged Stream
Wash Wash
Water IntakeOutflow Water IntakeOutflow
<all other values> <all other values>