Description: This data set contains equal concentrations of total dissolved solids of groundwater in the Pennsylvanian age Cherokee Group in Missouri. For full documentation see , best when viewed in a separate browser window.
Description: This data set contains equal concentrations of total dissolved solids of groundwater in the Pennsylvanian age Kansas City, Lansing, Pedee, Douglas, Shawnee, and Wabaunsee Groups in Missouri. For full documentation see , best when viewed in a separate browser window.
Description: This data set contains equal concentrations of total dissolved solids of groundwater in the Mississippian age rock in counties adjacent to or northwest of the freshwater-saline water transition zone as described by Miller and Vandike (1997). For full documentation see , best when viewed in a separate browser window.
Description: This data set contains equal concentrations of total dissolved solids of groundwater in the Ozark Aquifer in counties adjacent to or northwest of the freshwater-saline water transition zone as described by Miller and Vandike (1997). For full documentation see , best when viewed in a separate browser window.
Description: This data set contains equal concentrations of total dissolved solids of groundwater in the Pennsylvanian age Pleasanton and Marmaton Groups in Missouri. For full documentation see , best when viewed in a separate browser window.
Description: This data set contains equal concentrations of total dissolved solids of groundwater in the Saint Francis Aquifer in counties adjacent to or northwest of the freshwater-saline water transition zone as described by Miller and Vandike (1997). For full documentation see , best when viewed in a separate browser window.